130+ Labor Law Posting Changes This Year:
Are You in Compliance?
NOV 04, 2019 by BRETT HALL
Keeping up with labor law posting changes is not an easy task for employers. More laws are being passed on the state level. With each new law, there’s a potential poster update or new poster issued.
On average, there are 75 state posting changes a year — and at least half of these require an immediate poster replacement. Already this year, there have been more than 130 changes affecting the majority of states. If that’s not worrisome enough, year-end is usually the busiest for legislature. More than 20 states have already introduced new minimum wage rates in January 2020.
The rapid pace of mandatory changes places a burden on employers. Government agencies typically don’t work together. And they almost never inform businesses when laws change. To stay in full compliance, an employer operating in a single state has to monitor as many as nine federal and state agencies.
Noncompliance Carries Big Risks
Why should you care about keeping your posters up to date? The fact is, by not complying with the laws can have serious repercussions. On just the federal level, as of January 2019, fines can reach up to $35,000 per location for posting violations. On a state and local level, the government posting fines are typically between $100 and $1,000 per violation. (Each posting carries its own fines, because every agency and posting law is different.) Every U.S. employer is responsible for displaying current federal and state posters in areas visible to all employees.
If you’re like most small businesses, you don’t have the resources to track down posting changes with the many government agencies. Fortunately, a low-cost solution is available. ComplyRight® Poster Subscription Service provides federal and state poster kits. ComplyRight monitors the legal activity and whenever a mandatory update occurs, free replacement posters are automatically shipped directly to you.
Contact your Payroll Vault representative for more information.

Brett Hall
Partner Development Manager